The hotel needs a large number of menus for guests to choose hotel services, so that the guests can demand the hotel at any time and the hotel can also sell services. Hotel matches serve as menus in restaurants, and people tend not to have much traction on menus. At this time, a strangely shaped matchbox is printed with a list of the restaurant’s tempting delicacies, and there are also gourmet patterns composed of patterns on the restaurant hotel matches. The novel and interesting menu makes people can’t help but look at it more, which increases the chance of customers placing an order. And there are match hotel riddles printed on the back of the matchbox, and people can get gifts after solving the riddles. This makes people willing to spend time flipping through lists on matches while waiting to be served.
Hotel book matches have rich and diverse functions, and cake shop bakeries have also successively initiated customized cake matches and baking matches to match factories.
Not only book matches, but matches in glass jars are also popular in gift shops. Girls will write the words from the bottom of their hearts on paper and hide them in glass jars of matches. People will put long colored matches into transparent glass bottles for decoration and as photo props.

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