At the match exhibition, you can see match decorations and match boxes designed by artists from all over the world, and learn the design language and inspiration of decorative matches from people’s decorative matches reviews. The exhibition is divided into color themes, such as decorative red match and decorative match green. Matches in different areas are like pixels in a color block, and the organizer breaks up the classification and re-matches a giant decorative match painting.
People’s impression of matches still remains on traditional kraft paper matches, but new types of matches are gradually breaking people’s prejudice against matches. In the past, the old-fashioned, low-quality kraft paper matches that would produce odors were gradually eliminated by the tide of the times. The new matches have a fresh and vibrant shape, can continue to burn, are safe to use, and do not produce irritating odors. In addition to the development of aromatherapy matches, the scent can be customized according to people’s preferences. A great breakthrough has been made in the function of matches, not only as ignition tools, but also as gifts, greeting cards, business cards, and advertising and art appreciation.

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